Who We Are

We deliver specialist support for people with complex health and social situations, including long term unemployment, disabled people and other minority groups, all of which can face barriers to entering the labour market.

We help people to identify and remove these potential barriers in accessing employment. With the service user, we create a course of action to get them back into the work environment. We assist them in obtaining qualifications and skills, as well as establishing a work record that will serve as a stepping stone into employment.




Employment and Skills
Most of the young people we work with have an ambition and aspiration to access work or training but lack the confidence, self-esteem, motivation and social skills to do this successfully. Our dedicated Employment and Skills Worker ensures that these young people develop these areas and will be supported through each process of establishing and applying for training and jobs. This role involves helping young people job search, create a CV, develop interview skills and apply for appropriate training and employment.


Young People 
We intend to provide a variety of development programs and drop-in activities to assist young people in transitioning to adulthood while feeling supported, optimistic, and a

Our primary focus is on assisting young people who have been in care, young people with social, emotional, and mental health needs, young people with special educational needs and disabilities, unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, and young people who are not ready for work.

The Gamma Foundation is a Registered charity in England and Wales
 Charity Number 1155262

© 2016